Editorial Policies


Automobile Tamilan News Network is an independent online News publication platform, free from outside funding or financial backing from any company. our financial independence ensure editorial integrity, enabling us to provide unbiased, accurate, and reliable content to our readers.


Our readers depend on us to provide precise, trustworthy, and helpful information, and we take this responsibility to heart.


Automobile Tamilan for more accuracy and integrity in news and reviews. we are humans, and mistakes can occur. When we find errors, we are committed to correcting them promptly, transparently, and in a manner that is easy for our readers to understand.

highest ethical standards in our publication. Our reputation as trusted resources is our most valuable asset.

Who is the Grievance Officer?

If you  wish to report a security breach, have a problem that you are unable to resolve or otherwise require any other assistance in respect of the our Website and this privacy policy, you may contact our Grievance Officer whose details are provided below:

Name : Nivin Karthi

Email : nivinkarthi@automobiletamilan.com and tamilautmobile@gmail.com

wish to read our publishing policy.